16 June 2013

The end of the beginning

Our beginning year of teaching has come to an end! We have waved good-bye to our students; dusted off our classroom cupboards; and driven into the holiday-sunset with a triumphant smile and sigh.

This year has presented a kaleidoscope of stories and experiences both of which have occurred as much in the classroom as outside of it. Although not in any way considered an expatriate veteran - we have started feeling more at home and at comfort; and on celebrating our first year of teaching abroad, we too celebrate a big year of learning.

Sometimes few words say more. So 'acrostically', I present to you OUR FIRST YEAR abroad (followed by an eclectic mix of pictures).

O ver
U tterly Challenging
R elationship Building
F orever grateful to my Mum & Dad
I nteresting conversations
R isk Taking
S hort holidays
T ransitional
Y eshua
E arly mornings - Early nights
A lways learning - Never boring
R ichness of Experience


Love me xx