23 October 2015

A new friend

Meet Kat.

Kathlyn Dunn Jansen.

We came to know of Kat through my sisters’ friends’ housemate who had asked that we connect with her due to geographical closeness. Kat presently lives in Indonesia, but unfortunately, not in Jakarta. Instead, Kat resides amongst the turquoise bays and luscious trees of Lombok. To those of you who know this place, will certainly agree that visually, its land is beautiful. But if you ask Kat – ‘beautiful’ is not what she knows of the place, and those turquoise bays are certainly not what she sees.
Kat lives in ‘Lapas Mataram’ which in an easier language means ‘Lombok Prison’. She has done so for the past 3 years, and has been living out her “life” sentence surrounded by secure walls and tight boundaries. Her real home is in South Africa in which she was born, and where she had her beautiful young daughter who still lives there today. And it is with desperate hope and humble prayers that one day, she will be returned to these roots.
What Kat did to get there is not the point of this blog. The point of this blog is to share a small part of her story. A story that is certainly not defined by what she did or did not do. But a story that says we all stuff up; we’re all forgiven sinners; and we are certainly not meant to be reminded of our wrong-doing day in and day out.
What life in prison looks like for Kat is a testimony to how strong she is, and how far she’s come. What a life sentence appears to mean is beyond my ability to accurately explain. What I do know, is she is hoping for some proper legal support in order to reclaim her initial prosecution of 20 years. This would see her one day leave Indonesia, and provide a glimmer of hope as she rides out her days.
On Monday the October 12th, Nath left us holidaying in Bali to go meet with her during visitation hours. He was able to sit with her; laugh with her; hear her story; and gift her with practical necessities from people she knows, and ones she doesn’t.
During this time, Kat shared her struggles & her hopes. Her life journey and her spiritual faith. Her joys, her sorrows and her ways of life and living. They were then inadvertently joined by three radical Jesus-loving, supporters-of-Kat, who surprised her with healthy hearty food, and a bad rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’. For little did we know, that it was on this day, three years prior (thus her third birthday) - Kat was arrested. We were silently shocked with this timing and the prisoners were silently shocked with the songs ;)
I share this story for two reasons. One to bring awareness about our far-away friend who would love nothing more than for you to remember her in your prayers. Praying prayers for strength. Prayers for hope.  Prayers for perseverance. Prayers for joy. Prayers that can keep her spirits high; and prayers than firmly squash down the opposition.
The second reason I write this is to acknowledge you Kat, who I know is reading this. And to remind you that you are worth my time writing and others reading. What is so beautiful about Jesus is He loved you before the world began. He loves you despite knowing where you’d end up. You are his precious child - and despite what you’ve done - He is so pleased with you!
Lastly, I leave you with a verse that brings this whole blog into perspective. In Matthew 25:40 Jesus commands us to care for the ‘…the least of these” – for the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned – He says what you do for them, you do for me. We never went looking for Kathlyn but we sure are glad that we found her.
So if you are ever visiting Lombok for a holiday please let us know and you can drop in on our friend Kathlyn. It might just be the highlight of your trip.

Thanks for reading.


18 July 2015

Welcoming summer holidays, friends and family!

Due to it being freeeeeeezing cold back home, we happily opted to spend our 7 week long summer holiday in the Indonesian warmth .... and welcomed good friends and family to join us.

Our friends – Ben, Megan and little-Timmy – were here first.

We braved Jakarta’s infamous traffic, and “drifted” patiently through this city, showcasing some of what this place has to offer.

It was also a high point witnessing our tiny additions build their young friendship. Whilst Tim was on foot and Nahla still on knee, her admiration for his good looks and maturity was clearly seen over the dinner table. She continues to enjoy a green pea and chunk of mango in remembrance of him ;)

We then flew to Bali with the Cheney-fam, soaked in the sunshine-filled holiday-vibe; before waving them goodbye and welcoming the next set of guests. The Meinels, Naths big-sis and her family-team, ventured across the ocean to meet us in Bali.


A large holiday-in-the-making saw them visit Bali, Jakarta and Singapore with A WHOLE LOT in between. It was a non-stop / fun-filled / trip-of-a-lifetime for that tribe. I thought I’d let little Kiana Meinels’ fancy photography tell just SOME of their story.


Whilst we still have some holiday weeks in front of us, we have genuinely enjoyed having these homeland visitors come and strangely connect our two worlds. We so appreciated you coming, and embracing this life, and our living.

Until next time, stay warm (those of you who live down under)!



23 April 2015

Special occasions!

I realise it is completely selfish of me to force this display of my world onto you – so if you have very little time in your life, go wash the dishes now!

But if you’re still with me (or wish to procrastinate) - I will add, this is not really about me. Instead, it’s about my big-sis & her hunky hubby, who recently said ‘I do’. And about a little 8 month old third culture child, who unbeknown to her, received an early first birthday (a consequence of being a third culture child).

So special-sexy-Sare, & grand-gorgeous-George – my sincere congratulations! This was your moment, and we loved witnessing you declaring that it’s actually not about the day, but about your love in marriage. What a gift it is to you and to us. Let us reminisce ...

And for my preciously innocent Mae-Mae, who is not yet one. Your far-away family wanted to celebrate their love and your life.  So this ... was your moment!  May you enjoy these pictures in years to come.

For George, Sarah & Nahla - may social media forever publish my thoughts for you on these special occasions.  

Much love to all you three, from me.


18 February 2015


Sorry but its been awhile since I was here. The truth is, I haven’t known what to write about that could possible be worthy of your time reading my blog. The thought of Nahlas 6 month milestones, & our new & cute residence did cross my mind once or twice. I then thought about joining the cooking bloggers in showing you some of my latest and greatest kitchen-wins. But I started to ponder about what I really wanted to share - & I came up with this.

Meet NaMissy ... a forging young friendship that I watch over, ponder on and laugh at, throughout the course of my day. Firstly, let me comment on this image, one that received quite a lot of interest. If you think that this was carefully sculpted & timely captured, think again. Watch on ... (scuse the blur factor)

So calm. So chilled.

These two furry tops do not exactly ooze intellectual stimulation or conversation during this at-home stage of mine. But what they do bring, is a pure innocence & stress-less vibe to my surrounding, that says “Let’s focus on right now - & for this present tired body & brain of mine - it’s been a beautiful thing!

I thought at first, the older furry one would be a nuisance & simply put, an extra chore. But her new day-time-security-job means she spends her days "busy" laying, sitting and being walked all over by a little 8kg helmet-head who loves nothing more than to suck fervently on the TV remote control.

Although the days are numbered where the IQ level of these two remains somewhat similar, the pleasure of these two companions continues to calm and medicate my soul; & teaches me that love is a universal language for all creatures great and small.

Lastly, a shout out goes to another hairy head who is mostly responsible for this relaxed and doll-like version of Missy in which allows her to do her job. This one I speak of wakes up with the alarm of seagulls every morning at 5am (literally the alarm type is named ‘seaside’) to walk, tire out & ultimately love on our four-legged family member. If it weren’t for him, this friendship might not be as well formed. Thanks husband & pack-leader Nath ;)

Nomes xo 

P.s. I do apologise if reading this was not worthy of your time.