31 August 2012

Wallowing in Aqua Spa

I thought it's about time that we introduce you to some of our indulgences here in Indo-land. This place of course has its' challenges; but the many lovable highlights far outweigh them all. So, as we trek through our days and weeks doing life here in Lippo Cikarang, we continue to discover new things. One of which is my all time favourite past time - maaaaassage.

Those of you who know me well, know that I love that God created such a thing. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've been pretty focused on finding the right place and the best skin-kneaders. But for those of you who have been worried about this, please rest assured and know that the search is now over. Through the lush foliage of Lippo Cikarang resides a little place called 'Aqua Spa'.

This contemporary Balinese-designed spa is where heaven meets Indonesia. It sits connected to Lippo Cikarang's famous waterpark and it taketh my breath away! I seriously think I'm walking into heavens gates only to be greeted by Ms Efi and a cool drink (& no she is not greek).  Under Efi's care are many sweet therapists that shuffle around in cute brown sarongs matched with white jacket-like tops. I must also direct special attention to my newly found massage therapist 'Dwe', and her long firm strokes and circular skin rolling. She's a absolute winner in my eyes and as Nath can tell you, that's a pretty big call.

So perhaps I'm trivialising heaven a little, but I'd like to think that there would be plenty of luscious green trees and water features up with the big guy.

For those of you I've managed to make jealous - I'm sorry because that was not my intention. So to make you feel better I can tell you that there is one recent downside - last week, the price of massage escalated from eight dollars to a whoppin ten ;-)

(Next blog you shall hopefully hear from Nath. He promises to bring you a letter so stay tuned)

15 August 2012

Welcome to our world!

So its been about 6 weeks since we left sanitised Oz to do life in the madness of Jakarta. To say our lives are different to 6 weeks ago is obviously the understatement of the year. Everything is different! We left a place of empty streets, wide open spaces, ticket machines, and smoke-free restaurants; to settle in a city of 26 million which couldn't be more opposite.

Our new world, here in Jakarta, is exciting and confronting but both equally embracing. Nath and I are excited to be here because we love discovering new things and new people. We love to be amazed and it genuinely excites us to discover someone or something that is different to what we know. What is particularly confronting about this new place is the economical disparities that we witness everyday. Whilst the extremely wealthy sit in their beautiful houses with 24 hour security and multiple house helpers .....

... the not-so-wealthy are working long days, outside in the heat, & are lucky to be earning a dollar a day. 

The intriguing thing about this disparity is that everyone seems to exist just fine. It is not something that is talked much about and it is definitely not something that will ever change. This democratic country and its' growing population will continue to actuate the widening of this gap. Unfortunately for you blog viewers, these photos do not capture the full severity of what we see on the streets of Jakarta. You'll just have to excuse me on that one - I couldn't bare to pull out my phone-camera, and flash it in the face of one of Jakarta's working poor.

So, what I have shared above is a big part of our new world, and something that we see on a daily basis. But I thought I'd end this blog space with a few pictures that will give you a more personal glimpse into our immediate world. Although not completely inclusive, this consists of ....

classroom teaching;

 a whole lot of marking;

the crippling traffic;

Muslim culture;

and JCo coffee!

This is our new home ... this is our new world! Thanks for being interested!

Nomes and Nath xo