It was never in our plans to come back this Christmas. It was meant to be our largest time away from home. All close to us understanding this fact were expectantly shocked when we told no one that we were coming .... and just turned up on a doorstep looking for a place to stay (sounds very Christmassy don’t you think?!). Of course, we were kindly greeted with tears, hugs and love - & I think it is one of those times that we will all fondly remember.
So it’s been a gorgeous time here so far. We’ve enjoyed eating,
relating and relaxing. We feel particularly blessed by people’s kindness;
generosity; and various forms of interest in wanting to know about our new life
and living abroad. I’ve been surprisingly okay about being back home knowing
that this is not really my home anymore. I think I thought all too deeply about
the ramifications of this visit and how my brainbox would react and respond to
a new life away from my old life. However, it’s been surprisingly AOK; and I‘ve
happily enjoyed the crisp of my favourite light and tangy chip without the
feeling that when I go home, I’m missing out ;)
We feel we’re still only in the early days of living abroad.
My unique and complex mind is still rushing here and there trying to adapt to
what’s different and what’s changed. However, it’s been good to come back here
to reassess why we’re doing what we’re doing! Yes there are no light and tangy
chips where we are now; nor is there the comfort of whipping from one side
of the city to the other in a quick and orderly fashion. But I’m coming to
realise that it’s these simple differences that we are learning to embrace; not because it is any easier or more enjoyable; but because it opens my mind and broadens
my perspective; and kinda makes me think that I’m little bit more in touch with
God who sees all of this. So, in a week, we leave this cute little holiday of delightfulness, and return back to our newly found lives. For me, it’s been a beautiful time of just being with people. I’d like to end and say this – We are truly grateful for our family and friends. Thank you for your love, time and gifts. Our hope for everyone is that 2013 is good year; and we would like to say thanks to those who have supported us up until now, through simply talking, listening and good old’ blog viewing.
A very Happy New Year to you all from us Berry’s abroad!
Nomes xo